Category: Painting pictures

Pictures of Lithuanian folk songs
Pictures of

Lithuanian cosmic mythology. Cosmogony
Cycle “Cosmogony” Cosmogonic myths are essential in the mythology – they are the means of a man’s return to eternity. The cult of the heavenly bodies is typical of Lithuanian mythology. Some of the principal objects of worship were the Sun and the Moon, the Morning and the Evening stars… The Moon was considered to be more …

Lithuanian mythology. Archaic compositions
“Archaic compositions” Archaic compositions are ornamental – informational structures by aesthetic and artistic form rendering the Lithuanian (Baltic) model of world structure which in my belief is adequate to the conception of the world structure of other nations. The roots of ornamental symbolism date back to the distant cultural past of our nation. I believe more …

Lithuanian mythology. The gates of the Earth
As all the cultures of the nations of the world Lithuanian nation is rich by its mythology and has a model of world structure in the composition of which ancient Lithuanian mythology is. Here mythology means the description of the corner meanings of life of the world and man by images in which various more …

`Laments` cycle of paintings
The theme of lament exists in painting for more than three thousand years. Already in ancient Egypt the artists started immortalizing the grief of a person`s loss in a ritual scene of mourning over the dead. Most probably it is an especially old ritual which has formed at the beginning of civilization. For Virginijus Kašinskas more …

Religious paintings
I-XVCross Way Stations St. Archangel Michael (Igulos) Church in Kaunas (Lithuania) Altar painting APOCALIPSIS ( Mission of St. Archangel Michael ) 1997-1998, canvas, oil. Format 555 x 202 cm Then war broke out in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon who fought back with his angels; but the dragon was more …